Upstream Color (2013)


Toilet Review: The weirdness of this movie can’t be understated. nd yes, it pains me to write “Color” incorrectly.

You know those movies that all the film bloggers and reviewers love but they classify it as an “arty” movie, and it never gets the love it should get? This movie is exactly that. I remember hearing about it from the ever excellent Adam Johnston from “Your Movie Sucks”, a YouTube film reviewer that I trust above all others. His stuff is the absolute best. I remember him speaking about this movie a couple of years ago, I thought it was pretty interesting, and anything Adam likes, I generally tend to like. The man is a genius.

So, this movie is not going to be for everyone. I’m going to say that off the bat. In fact, I waited until I knew my husband would be out before deciding to watch it. I knew he would hate it, and when I tried to explain the plot to him later, his eyes glossed over and I could see his soul decide to shut down.

The movie focuses on Kris, a successful woman in every aspect of her life, when one night, her world is turned upside down by a chance encounter that ruins her life. She is infected by a parasite that surrenders her free will. She loses everything. When she happens upon a man on the train, he becomes enamored with her. Jeff (played by the director, Shane Carruth). Jeff does his best to help Kris in any way he can, he helps her paranoia, her panic attacks. He truly loves her, and I think at times he is scared by what he is willing to do for her.

This film is beautiful. Some of the most gorgeous scenes I’ve ever seen are in this movie. The shot where Kris is sleeping on the bed is just wonderful. The crisp white sheets, the soft sunlight, her peaceful breathing, her gentle movements, are all perfect. Of course, the sereneness of this shot is underscored with the unsettling feeling that she is not alone. We see movement in her body, under the surface, and the juxtaposition of the two is probably my favourite shot in the entire movie.

There are some further unsettling parts of this movie with pigs and a farmer that I’m not 100% sure what he has to do with the story. I will definitely be watching this again. I have a feeling that the more I watch it, the more I will see and understand.

Check it out if you want something beautiful and weird.

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